Welcome to Affirmation Tuesday! Each Tuesday I will provide a free coloring page and an affirmation that you can use to focus on while you are coloring. I have found that coloring lowers my heart rate and puts me in a state of quiet. Doing this, I am more receptive to Spirit so I use this time to say my affirmations over and over until they become a part of my consciousness. Faith of a mustard seed is a common phrase…I know I have heard it a million times, but I never understood it until I started my spiritual journey. It takes such a small amount faith in God to move mountains. God is amazing and loves us because he knows us. Having faith in God, allows us to have the freedom to enjoy our good. Having faith in God we learn that everything works toward our good. Faith of a mustard seed is all we need. Have you seen a mustard seed? If that is all the faith needed to live a God-filled life that allows all the good your mind can imagine, a...