
Welcome to Affirmation Tuesday! Abundant blessings to you this week. I am sending you love and kindness as I hold a personal watch of keeping my thoughts and words positive. Each Tuesday I will provide a free coloring page and an affirmation that you can use to focus on while you are coloring. I have found that coloring lowers my heart rate and puts me in a state of quiet. Doing this, I am more receptive to Spirit so I use this time to say my affirmations over and over until they become a part of my consciousness. Here is your affirmation for the week .. . I release all that no longer serves me. Just as a home can begin to feel cluttered when filled with belongings that no longer serve a purpose, my inner life can become a shambles of outgrown thoughts and feelings. My mind may feel jumbled when tangled with obsolete beliefs. My heart may feel heavy when clogged with old resentments and hurts. Today I take an inventory of what I think and how I feel and release what no longe...