
Welcome to Affirmation Tuesday!

Abundant blessings to you this week. I am sending you love and kindness as I hold a personal watch of keeping my thoughts an words positive. 

Each Tuesday I will provide a free coloring page and an affirmation that you can use to focus on while you are coloring. I have found that coloring lowers my heart rate and puts me in a state of quiet. Doing this, I am more receptive to Spirit so   I use this time to say my affirmations over and over until they become a part of my consciousness.

Building a new home makes me a complete basket case. I am a little off center as my humanness has gotten in the way of my divine flow. I have to continually tell myself that I am on my spiritual path and that God would not have brought me this far to fail. I have to set my intention, keep my thoughts and prayers not only positive, but focused on my intentions. I need to manifest my vision.  I need let go and and let ..God.  I need to stay in divine flow. Divine Order...I follow my spiritual path and I expect a miracle...and so it it!

Here is your affirmation for the week…I believe.

The Gospels poignantly communicate a father’s pain and frustration when Jesus reminded him that all things are possible for one who believes. The father’s son suffered from a serious illness that no one, not even Jesus’ disciples, had been able to cure. “I believe; help my unbelief!” the father cried. His son was healed

My journey of faith may not always be straight and smooth. I may at times reach the limit of my human ability to believe. In those moments, I surrender to the divine presence within me. Affirming I believe opens my mind and heart to the faith expressed in the life and ministry of Jesus. Through divine presence—the Christ in me—I believe and find the answers to my prayer.

Immediately the father of the child cried out, “I believe; help my unbelief!”—Mark 9:2

Whatever my need, I know it will be met. I am a steward of divine abundance. I give and receive with gratitude.  

I want to encourage you to post your images so that I can enjoy your art therapy. I am mostly on Instagram and can follow along, just tag #AffirmationTuesdayColoring so that I can find your amazing colorings.

Following is your free coloring page you can print and size it to your liking for this week.  Please post, I really want to see your work!

As Always…Wishing you peace, abundant blessings and answered prayers.

 Namaste. 🙏🏽


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